Hi. I’m Bri. I guess you could call this my About Bri Page. 

 There isn’t anything I’d rather be than a sales coach. I mean that.


I’ve never been a “unicorn”. My success hasn’t been overnight. 

I didn’t make a sale for 5 years. 

I’ve always imagined a luxurious life for myself. As a kid, there were days when I ate dry, boxed cake mix because that was the only food in the house. 

I’d also say, “house” is a generous term. Many years of my childhood were spent staying with family friends in a basement or spare bedroom. When it was our “house”, it was a small apartment or somewhere that wouldn’t last.  Even then, I had a sense I was meant for more.

Maybe, when you have nothing, it’s easier to try for everything. 

I started as an entrepreneur early on. I could’ve finished college. I could’ve committed to a corporate career path. But, somehow I knew, even when no one else believed me, that I could create true luxury and freedom through sales. 

I choose a very non-traditional path. I hustled my face off. I hustled nights, weekends and holidays. I invested money I didn’t have. I ate cheap-ass Taco Bell, couldn’t afford a full tank of gas and worshiped the 6-figure Instagram gang.

 I thought I was “hungry” I thought I was “assertive”. 

Really, I was just killing myself. I hustled until I couldn’t do it anymore, and then I created my OWN path to success. 

I created a NEW way, because I’d exhausted the old way. Hustling killed me. 

I knew women like me deserved to get filthy rich and not feel worthless. 

Taking a chance on MY way to sell was the best thing I ever did.

In my most desperate moments, I had the ability to cling to one thought:

“Bri, you’re gonna figure this shit out. You’re gonna figure out how to get rich as fuck. The story you’re writing is going to impact women everywhere.”

I believed that then and I believe it MORE now.

It would have been easier to throw in the towel and I didn’t.

I didn’t quit.

I created Feminine Energy Sales after 5 years of failure, and within 90 days I was signing 8-10 clients a month in my health coaching/ period care business. Then I taught a mindset & confidence program that made $43,600 in 3 days. Then over the next year I transitioned into full fledged sales coaching

I’ve made more impact doing this MY way than I ever could’ve hustling like a “boss babe”. I’ve created flow, abundance, and almost a quarter million dollars in sales. 

So, when I tell you I wouldn’t want to be anything but a sales coach.

I mean it.

This is the call I’ve had on my heart for two decades.

I’ve created luxury in my life and I can help you create luxury too.


“When you build that trust in yourself, you start TRULY running a business & creating a life of your wildest dreams” 

- Bri Hill



You can find me: in the TN mountains with my husband and 3 cats. (If you’re wondering, I manifested the shit out of the current vibe.)

My favorite daily routine is: hot girl walks. 

I can’t go a week without: my emotional support poke bowl. 

Something you don’t know about me is: I was homeschooled my whole life. 

There’s not enough money in the world: to get me to go skydiving. 

My personal mantra is: luxury is my spirit animal. 

A rule I live by is: you’ll always regret what you didn’t say.

On a bad day you’ll find me: reading a thriller usually while having a bubble bath. 

The best way to wake up is: in bed next to my best friend & husband.

My best piece of advice is: stop trying to sell like a masculine being when you’re a feminine one. 

My clients call me: the Sales Queen.

So…you know me now. 

What’s next?

You decide! 

Let's Connect!


Connect with me on INSTAGRAM: @feminineenergysales

Check out my signature sales program: Freedom Revolution

Send me an email. Let’s connect.