Freedom Revolution


There's a lot of sales programs flaunting $5K & $10K months

But there's only one on the market where you stay until you make actually make it 


You know $5K-$10K months should be an absolute minimum in your business. Your work changes lives, you have a heart to help your people, you put everything on the line to create a life of freedom for yourself, you've got the vision, but the clients & income to build it? Well so far it's been impossible.


You feel like you've tried it all. You resent the fact you even have to sell & wish you could just help people. All you wanna do is the work you started your business for so you can have the extra income, make your 9-5 optional, do the work that lights you up, & create a life of FREEDOM. But you need clients to do that. And that's the problem. You never know what to say online. Your content falls flat. You're unsure if you even know enough for people to pay you. You feel like mayor of imposter syndrome city & like you're online begging people to pay you.


You're trapped in a cycle of desperation, the pressure to prove you're worth it, & the paralyzing fear that maybe you're not.


And that's exactly why you're still struggling with sales. It's not that your content is "bad" it's that you don't feel enough. It's not that you're not qualified, it's that you're so worried you're not that you block clients. It's not that you're not the expansive leader your audience is literally starving for, it's that you're so scared to be seen trying that you show up as the relatable bestie instead.

You've chased strategy after strategy, bought messaging intensive after messaging intensive, & while none of that is bad or wrong, it's not solving the root issue: who you're being.

This is where I was stuck for 5 years.  Posting every single day, going live, consistent af but not even getting an inquiry for 5 years. I knew I was here to help people, but it felt like no one would let me help them. What I know now, is that when I dropped the shame, the imposter syndrome, the feeling that my words/thoughts/experience wasn't enough, I signed clients almost instantly.


How to make 5K a month How to grow your coaching business How to build your coaching business to 5K months How to attract coaching clients Why am I not getting coaching clients Get my first coaching clients How to get high end coaching clients How to get ready to buy coaching clients How to get more coaching clients How to attract clients on social media How to attract clients on instagram 5k months as a virtual assistant Get clients as a virtual assistantHow do virtual assistants get clients Feminine energy in business


If you're here, you likely know my story: I didn’t have sales for 5 brutal years.  I was defeated, burnt out, following every sales guru, & STILL sales-less. I just knew there had to be another way.

But I couldn't find anything but the solution of "just do more." So I did. I went live, hosted masterclasses, sent slimy DM’s, paid scammy coaches, hung up business cards at Panera. Literally, everything. And still, I was 5 years in to business with not one sale.

Beyond fed up, sobbing on my bathroom floor one night, I pulled myself together and decided if I couldn't find something that worked, I would just create it.

Little did I know I was about to birth a global revolution. 

Doing more wasn't working. Yet it was the only solution I was provided.  There had to me some other, bigger element at play.  I realized that no matter what actions I took, there was this deep rooted paralyzing fear that stood between me & a client. Fear of judgment, fear of failure, feelings of unworthiness, things that had never been addressed by the 30 reels in 30 days bootcamps.

I had never faced this internal world.  I had only taken action. And I began to wonder if the actions fell null & void when my thoughts, beliefs, & emotions were like a raging storm inside me. 

I ditched everything I was taught & began to deal with this internal storm.  And something wild happened, I started bringing in 8-10 clients a month, made $43,600 in 3 days, & knew I’d found feminine energy sales. 

And so, a revolution was born.

How to make 5K a month How to grow your coaching business How to build your coaching business to 5K months How to attract coaching clients Why am I not getting coaching clients Get my first coaching clients How to get high end coaching clients How to get ready to buy coaching clients How to get more coaching clients How to attract clients on social media How to attract clients on instagram 5k months as a virtual assistant Get clients as a virtual assistantHow do virtual assistants get clients Feminine energy in business

Make $5K-$10K months, dream clients pouring in, & the life & business of your dreams your standard inside Freedom Revolution

For so long you've focused on what platforms to be on, what to say, what strategy is gonna work. The truth? All ways work. And that's why Feminine Energy Sales is about who you're being, not what you're doing because we know that there's no one way to succeed.

You'll stop feeling anxious when someone inquires. You stop feeling slimy & gross when you sell. You'll stop worrying about coming off as salesy. You stop backing down when someone asks you the price. 

You'll MASTER the art of Feminine Energy Sales & the shame you used to feel talking about your offer? ERADICATED. You'll feel enough, become a walking content goldmine & always know what to say, you'll go all in, & all that? Leads to signing clients all the time.

Freedom Revolution is the ONLY sales program on the market where you don't leave in 3 months or 6 when the program is over, you stay until you make $5K. And in Level II, you stay until you make $10K.

Level I: You get coached until you have a $5,000 cash month. 

Level II: You stay until you have a $10,000 cash month.

Because I believe in you.  Because I believe in Feminine Energy Sales. Because l know inside Freedom Revolution, we make $5K-$10K months your mf baseline.



Feminine Energy Sales didn't just work for me


Client K went from no inquiries ever to 20 in a matter of weeks


Client N came to me with nothing more than an idea of a business & 90 days inside was making thousands per month as a service provider


Client E went from crippling fear of being rejected to more than doubling her income in just a few weeks 


Hear it from them:

 How to make 5K a month How to grow your coaching business How to build your coaching business to 5K months How to attract coaching clients Why am I not getting coaching clients Get my first coaching clients How to get high end coaching clients How to get ready to buy coaching clients How to get more coaching clients How to attract clients on social media How to attract clients on instagram 5k months as a virtual assistant Get clients as a virtual assistantHow do virtual assistants get clients Feminine energy in business

Hear from Client T.

My relationship with sales has changed immensely.. from being afraid to sell and not confident in my capabilities.. to quite literally signing clients in my sleep and creating a business from scratch that is quickly growing.. it's a whole new world! Sales feels fun now, when before it felt daunting. In 6 months I now have upwards of 12 clients, next month I will have made back the cost of Freedom Revolution, and then some! More confidence, being able to sell and not hold tight to the outcome. Knowing my worth and value. $1,100 payment in one day..and upgrading clients to packages to earn more. Halfway to my goal of leaving my 9-5 and the end is definitely in sight!

Hear from Client N.

The most tangible change I can attest to is that I’m not trying to sell like other coaches or mentors, I feel safe, grounded and excited to sell as ME- and that’s huge for me. I feel like I’ve taken off so much pressure off of myself and my business to where I can and do connect with my community in a way where I know they can see who I am, how much I care and they feel the truth in the service I provide.


You've never seen a sales program like this


This is a global movement that's helped coaches, healers, reiki masters, copywriters, VA's, OBM's, photographers, brand strategists, product based business, & so many more.

Stay until you make $5K-$10K

So how does that actually work? 

I know what it's like to leave program after program empty handed. And I never want you to go through that ever again. 

Stay Until You Make $5K means that you don't leave in 90 days, or 6 months, you have access to the live coaching, curriculum, Slack support, private podcast, & so much more as long as you need to create $5K cash in a month.

You'll get a minimum of 6 months coaching, but you'll never leave this program empty handed.


Because here you're not kicked out when the time's up.  You stay until you make $5K.

Level I is where you stay until you make $5K. Level II is where you stay until you make $10K. 

How to make 5K a month How to grow your coaching business How to build your coaching business to 5K months How to attract coaching clients Why am I not getting coaching clients Get my first coaching clients How to get high end coaching clients How to get ready to buy coaching clients How to get more coaching clients How to attract clients on social media How to attract clients on instagram 5k months as a virtual assistant Get clients as a virtual assistantHow do virtual assistants get clients Feminine energy in business

Freedom Revolution Level I

You're gonna be spoiled here: 

- 4 live coaching calls per month, biweekly on Tues (7pm EST) & Thurs (1pm EST) to get laser specific feedback, insight, & a loving kick in the butt as needed right alongside your Freedom community

- M-F coaching in Slack, imagine having a coach & community of support in your back pocket for you to access any hour, in any timezone

- On-demand access to a binge worthy sales curriculum, dubbed "pure fucking gold" from clients

- A private client podcast with call replays so you can listen in on dozens of coaching calls with timestamps for easy navigation

-ANOTHER private client podcast with rampages, guided tappings, sleep tapes, & healing work to get your body feeling safe with more money, more leadership, & more clients

- Monthly live content workshop to put out the juciest, community building, sales resulting words you've ever written

-Weekly content review up to 3 posts a week

- Our money course, Reclamation

- Our content/ stories membership, 6 Figure Stories


$6K pif or as low as $375/m with payment plans

(Klarna & Afterpay checkout also available for US clients)

This is a revolution. And the women inside can't wait to celebrate you for joining.


Freedom Revolution Level II

Everything from Level I: 

- 4 live coaching calls per month, biweekly on Tues (7pm EST) & Thurs (1pm EST) to get laser specific feedback, insight, & a loving kick in the butt as needed right alongside your Freedom community

- M-F coaching in Slack, imagine having a coach & community of support in your back pocket for you to access any hour, in any timezone

- On-demand access to a binge worthy sales curriculum, dubbed "pure fucking gold" from clients

- A private client podcast with call replays so you can listen in on dozens of coaching calls with timestamps for easy navigation

-ANOTHER private client podcast with rampages, guided tappings, sleep tapes, & healing work to get your body feeling safe with more money, more leadership, & more clients

- Monthly live content workshop to put out the juciest, community building, sales resulting words you've ever written

-Weekly content review up to 3 posts a week

- Our money course, Reclamation

- Our content/ stories membership, 6 Figure Stories



- A private slack channel only for Level II's

- Bonus VIP biweekly coaching calls only for Level II (Thurs 11:30 am EST)

- Access to my signature email membership, Email Academy


$7500 pif, $1250/m for 6 months, or $625/m for 12 months

(Klarna & Afterpay checkout also available for US clients)

This is a revolution. And the women inside can't wait to celebrate you for joining.


How to make 5K a month How to grow your coaching business How to build your coaching business to 5K months How to attract coaching clients Why am I not getting coaching clients Get my first coaching clients How to get high end coaching clients How to get ready to buy coaching clients How to get more coaching clients How to attract clients on social media How to attract clients on instagram 5k months as a virtual assistant Get clients as a virtual assistantHow do virtual assistants get clients Feminine energy in business

Book a sales call


Get any & every question answered, talk face to face with me, & know with absolute certainty that this is the offer for you. 


You will not be asked to make a decision on the call.

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